Meet our team
Sharpimagetv is a professional Film & Video Production company, founded in 2010. We have a unique approach to story-telling. In fact, our combined experience & skills make our videos unmatched in the Australian market
We do more than just produce beautiful pictures, we work with our clients to create videos that tell great stories about their products and services, as well as help them to communicate more effectively with their customer, staff and stakeholders.
We have the unique ability to take the essentials from long or complicated content and present them in a way that’s clear, compelling, sensitive to the subject and targeted to the audience.
We coach the presenters and other participants (if required) to effectively communicate their messages, and tell stories that are succinct, captivating and genuine. We make a boring story sound inspiring and make people who are not used to talking in front of a camera look believable and convincing.
And, we always strive to project brand imagery and messages on brief, on time & within budget. Of course, Sharpimagetv also produce beautiful visuals. We use state of the art equipment, outstanding cinematographers who know the latest styles and techniques, and editors and graphics specialists who can make the story “pop”
We will use whatever techniques present your story best (live action, studio presentation, interviews, B-roll, animation, drone footage, graphics etc) in whatever environment they will be viewed (website, TV, large screen, presentations, training etc).